jueves, 5 de enero de 2012

Why do I want to be a vet?

I have wanted be a Vet since that I had 5 years. Always I  have liked the animals because they are not so complicated like the people. I never thought about something else that to be a Vet. So I didn't have any problem for to choose a career because I have determinate since long time ago.
I don't remember of this but my father told me that when a I was child I always said that I will study here, in this university. Always I have liked this university so I am happy because I am studying here.

Until now my experience here have been good, but I would like interact more with the animals. And I would like too that here to teach more about the wild life.

Always I have thought work in a zoo, care for the animals and learn more of them. I have thought too work in some nature reserves or parks, for example in África. I have thought in travel for the world for know animals and his the environment, as Austrlia or Madagascar. I have thought too in put my own clinic for all kind the animals, not only dogs and cats, but others species. 

5 comentarios:

  1. Hi Paula!
    That admirable always want to be a vet, life in Africa should be very entertaining about lions and rhinos should be fun and dangerous.

  2. that good that you are fulfilling your dream a hope that someday you can work with animals, wildlife and travel to Africa or Australia ..:)

  3. your have a great vocation, congratulation for your seccess

  4. I´d like to work in a zoo too specially with the giraffes

  5. i like the zoo too!!! the wild animals are the best!! :)
