jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2011

My favorite singer: RICARDO ARJONA

My favorite singer is Ricardo Arjona, he born in january 19, 1964 in Guatemala. He have almost the age of my parents.

Ricardo Ajona launched his first disc in 1986 when he had 21 years old and this disc was "Déjame Decir que te amo", I think that this disc is not very good, is a little boring. After of this disc Arjona was teacher like 5 years in Guatemala. But he return to the music with the disc "Jesús Verbo No Sustantivo" and he continue launched more disc like "Galería Caribe", "Sin Daños a Terceros", "Animal Nocturno", "Historias" and others disk.

The songs of Ricardo Arjona that like to me are many for example: "Uno + Uno = Uno", "Historias", "Realmente no estoy tan solo", "Aquí estoy", "Así de ilógico", "Te guste o no", "No estoy solo", "Con una estrella" and almost all the songs. 

I like the music of Ricardo Arjona because he create very good song and the style like me, he in his song speak about the histories that he know, he speak about the reality of some people and that is very nice.

The last disc of Arjona is "Independiente" and is very good, I recomended this disc.

6 comentarios:

  1. I too like Ricardo Arjona, but I prefer the old records that were better.

  2. I've always enjoyed listening to "historias de un taxista" ...The lyrics are great!

    happy 2012

  3. hello paula I too like ricardo arjona some of their songs his lyrics are very good...:)

  4. Hey Paula
    Ricardo Arjona is a singer who makes poetry in his lyrics, I also like their music!

  5. is a very good composer and an excelent artist :)
