jueves, 15 de diciembre de 2011

My favorite dog breed: "DASHCHUND"

    My favorite dog breed is the Dashchund of smooth hair. I think that this dog breed are very playful dogs and they too are very loving dogs although they can too very agressive with the people that they don`t know. But they are very close to his owners, they are very possessive and jealous dogs and they will follow to his owner to any place that they come.

    When the Dashchunds of smooth hair is bored, they  break everything that find. I know that because I have one dog that is a Dashchund of smooth hair.

    My dog is named Carpe like I told you in the previous post, I have this dog since that he was 26 days of life and when he was small I could take in a one hand. He grow up and now he run for all the house and when he is bored I have to clean all over the palce before that my mom to get angry. Now Carpe have 3 years, 3 months and 15 days.

    Before that Carpe I have other Dashchund, she was a female named Pepa but she was very quiet and she don`t disobey as like Carpe do. Pepa was the better pet that I have in all my life. She was a black dog and Carpe is a brown dog and both are Dashchund of smooth hair But Pepa was a standard tipe and Carpe is a miniature tipe.

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi Paula,

    This dog breed is really nice, but I think I wouldn't have one as they are so messy :)
    By the way, pelo is hair in English


  2. Dashchund are lovely dogs and seems really fragile. Dashchund that i know are really quiet maibe was an exeption.

  3. Dashchund dog is very nice, your appearance is with the sausage, but when our say :"they are very possessive and jealous dog" i believe that is completely true, this dog are very jealous and like bark.
    Good week, bye

  4. ahhh is very terner those puppies is many beautiful..paula
