jueves, 26 de enero de 2012

Summer Holidays !!!

When I was a child I went a few summer holidays to the beach with my family, we spend 3 to 5 days there. We went to Costa Azul almost the time and we went out for a walk along the seashore in the night. In the morning and afternoon we were in the beach almost the time, we went to the house only for eat. We went to the games too. Was very entertaining. 
2 weeks ago I went to BuinZoo whit my other brother, his wife, his daughter and with my younger sister. Was really funny and we see a black panter went she was jumping, that was incredible, it is very agile. We see to a white tiger, lions, cocodriles, a big pig, a beautiful zebra and many others animals. 

I don't know if we go out or not this summer, but my older brother promised me to take as to some place, I don`t know where but surely that will go be incredible. 
The next summer holidays we will go to Chiloé, I don`t know this place but my parents and my older brother known this place. Now we are saving money for the trip because that is very expensive. We will spend 2 weeks including the trip in car.

My dream holyday is travel to some place that have many animals to see and be with my family and of course my dog is including here. But these is dificult because to my mother don`t like the animals.

5 comentarios:

  1. I`ve never been in costa azul but the photos shows that is beautiful.
    in summer many people go there or is it a quit beach?

  2. I went to the buinzoo the past weekend... i love that place!!! Is sad that your mother doesn't like the animals... but you always can persuade her... :)

  3. Costa azul is a good beach, i know this and like very much, and Chiloe is very nice!!!
    Good luck bye

  4. hi! I like your dream holiday! A place with the company of animals always is a good choice. (:

  5. i never been to Costa Azul chiloe not and gone but it's my dream!
